About Us


It is commonly known that the highest numbers found among the economically poorest in our country are the Orang Asli in West Malaysia and Orang Asal in Sabah and Sarawak. Most of them are caught in the vicious cycle wherein the causes and consequences of poverty are not easily separable. Their low and inadequate income have led to higher malnutrition rates, poorer health, lower life expectancies, lower education levels, and higher unemployment.  


The National Economic Empowerment Coalition (NEEC) was established in 2014 as a collaborative effort to bring together concerned individuals and organisations to help strengthen the socio-economic status of these OA communities.

Since then, NEEC has grown with individuals, like-minded groups, NGOs and churches coming on-board, often bringing in their distinctive expertise and contributions. 

What are NEEC’s objectives? To help these indigenous communities caught in the poverty cycle, we have three focus areas. The first is Community Empowerment, addressing issues such as family, health and food security. The second is Economic Empowerment, assisting in economic projects for the communities and the third is Next Generation Empowerment, dealing with education, vocational training, training and development of the youths.